Today was good! The boys got to spend all morning playing with Daddy, then they both took a nap. After naptime we went out to dinner at Fuddruckers. We had never been there before, but the kids really enjoyed it. They have a toppings bar for burgers and Cooper loved the pickles. Quinn enjoyed the fact that there was a mirror right next to him in the booth so he could watch himself eat, drink, and dance. I brought some grapes with us for Cooper and while we were waiting for the food I was holding one grape at a time up to my mouth and saying "more". Well, Cooper really suprised me because he looked right at me and signed "more", he did this twice and I was so excited. Of course, he then refused to do it again. It was really nice to know that he actually knows the word more and the sign for it (note that I was not signing it at all, only saying it). Oh, the kids meal also comes with a cookie, so Cooper has a new favorite restraunt..pickles and cookies, yum!
After dinner we went to the mall and played in the play area. Cooper loves that place so much. I swear he touched everyone there, he just ran around and ran his hand over everyone and everything. He was actually very good except for trying to steal a sippy cup and some toys. So we all had fun, but we missed Grandma Jan and Grandpa Don!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Posted by Amy at 7:15 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Grandma Donna, if you read this CALL ME! I need to talk to you about your return trip.
Today was a pretty good day. Cooper's speech teacher came over and was very happy with his progress. He showed her how he can now sort the bears into their cups. She handed him one bear at a time and said the color, he didn't repeat the word, but he looked her right in the eye each time and made a babbling attempt to. Quinn spent the whole time she was here in the kitchen talking to himself. He is such a goof! Before the teacher left he did come in and give her a hug, that was really nice.
Cooper and I took a nice nap today but Quinn didn't. Instead he fell asleep on his bean bag chair while we were watching the Wiggles around 5 PM. He then got woken up and cried for a long time...sigh..
Grandma Jan and Grandpa Don stopped by on their way out of town and Don took Quinn for a walk to calm him down. That made Quinn stop crying, but made Cooper start. What am I going to do with these kids?? Anyway, Grandpa Don dropped off an Abba CD for Quinn (you know the music from Momma Mia). We put it on after dinner and Quinn had a great time dancing, I swear he was doing "the hustle".
Tonight we tried to get Cooper to roll a ball back and forth. This is difficult because it involves Cooper sitting still. He did it a few times but wasn't that into it. However he loved playing "monkey in the middle" with Mommy and Daddy (Mommy knows all about that game because with two older brothers she was always the monkey!). From that he seemed to get the idea of throwing the ball back and forth, and he did that with me a few times and really enjoyed it. So now the next time someone asks me if he will roll a ball back and forth I can say "No, but he can throw it!".
Posted by Amy at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Posted by Amy at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
This morning Cooper did a great job with his teacher! She was getting him to put legos into cups, and each time he did she'd say "wow". After a few times he decided he liked that word a lot and started saying "wow" too! That made all of us very happy. Then tonight out of nowhere he started sorting his bears by color correctly and putting them in their cups! Way to go Cooper!
For lunch today we went to Cici's pizza with the cousins and the grandma. Cooper was in heaven with all you can eat pizza. Quinn was pretty happy about it too! Cooper kept trying to grab food off everyone's plates. I tried to find him some fruit on the salad bar but the closest I could find was grape tomatoes. I gave him some and he must have thought they were actually grapes. He popped one in his mouth and then made the funniest face and spit it out. It's like he's related to me or something! :)
Then while me and Cooper took naps Quinn got to hang out with Cousin Emilia and they had a great time. She is such a good little babysitter!
Posted by Amy at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Ready for picture overload??

Aaron and Cooper cuddling.

Posted by Amy at 6:02 PM 1 comments